Titre : | Inclusion and education in european countries. Final report : 12. Sweden |
Auteur(s) : | Elena DINGU KYRKLUND |
Type de document : | Texte |
Éditeur(s) : | Lepelstraat : DOCA Bureaus |
Année de publication : | août 2009 |
Description : | 107 p. disponibles sur le site : http://ec.europa.eu [pages consultées le 20/12/2011] |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Résumé : | This report depicts the Swedish status-quo in point of education, with an accent on strategies targeted against various exclusionary mechanisms as related to particular groups that may find themselves, one way or another, in a vulnerable position: disabled, early school-leavers, migrants and minorities, even categories of «social outcasts» or alike. Particular regard is also taken to aspects of safety in schools (especially related to bullying and harassment in schools), as well as the role of teachers and the instruments and possibilities they are (or not) conferred as support measures meant to enable them to actually achieve the results expected from them. [d'après résumé auteur] |
Sujet(s) : | , décrochage scolaire, éducation inclusive, éducation préscolaire, éducation spécialisée, inclusion scolaire, inclusion sociale, besoins éducatifs particuliers, compétence en communication, discrimination, égalité des chances, enseignement obligatoire, enseignement supérieur, formation et enseignement professionnels, handicap, immigrant, système d'enseignement, violence |
Zone(s) géographique(s) : | Suède |
Document numérique (1)
http://ec.europa.eu/education/more-information/doc/inclusion/sweden_en.pdf URL |