Titre : | Inclusion and education in european countries. Final report : 5. Germany |
Auteur(s) : | Ingrid GOGOLIN ; Christine JOCHUM |
Type de document : | Texte |
Éditeur(s) : | Lepelstraat : DOCA Bureaus |
Année de publication : | août 2009 |
Description : | 55 p. disponibles sur le site http://ec.europa.eu [pages consultées le 19/12/2011] |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Résumé : | With respect to the specific situation in Germany as a federal state, where the legislative and administrative disposition for the public education system is the sole responsibility of the Federal States (Bundesland [sg.]/ Bundesländer [pl.]), not all expected aspects can be addressed in this report. In most cases, the reported facts and measures do not refer to Germany as a whole, but to the specific situation in one or more federal states which then serve as examples. The respective scope for a reported framework or activity is made explicit in every case. As it is the primary expertise of the Hamburg research team, this report will focus on the problem of inclusion of immigrant minority children and youth in the German education system. |
Sujet(s) : | , décrochage scolaire, diversité culturelle, éducation inclusive, éducation prioritaire, formation professionnelle, inclusion scolaire, inclusion sociale, discrimination, égalité des chances, enseignement primaire, enseignement secondaire, formation des enseignants, gouvernance, immigrant, système d'enseignement |
Zone(s) géographique(s) : | Allemagne, Europe, Union européenne |
Document numérique (1)
http://ec.europa.eu/education/more-information/doc/inclusion/germany_en.pdf URL |