Titre : | Inclusion and education in european countries. Final report : 4. France |
Auteur(s) : | Danielle ZAY |
Type de document : | Texte |
Éditeur(s) : | Lepelstraat : DOCA Bureaus |
Année de publication : | août 2009 |
Description : | 282 p. disponibles sur le site http://ec.europa.eu [pages consultées le 19/12/2011] |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Résumé : | As the title of the research programme indicates, the focus is on «Strategies for supporting schools and teachers in order to foster social inclusion». The autor first describes the evolutions that led to this position in France with respect to the social integration of young people, together with a brief mention of how French schools have also been given responsibility for the problem. Pupils' results provide a good indicator for evaluating these strategies and the autor therefore examine those of French pupils compared to other countries with the same level of development. Lastly, she sets out the methodology integrating the terms and terminology used in the academic work to which she refers. Information is presented according to the following themes : research orientations, support measures for schools with high drop-out rates, support measures for schools with high scores on other possible indicators of social exclusion, support measures for schools in socio-economically deprived areas, support measures for schools with large populations, of pupils from immigrant backgrounds, support measures for teachers working in such schools, support measures for schools and teachers to deal with the problem of harassment and bullying, support measures addressing pupils likely to become early school leavers, support measures for pupils with a physical or mental handicap, and pupils in care, support measures to facilitate the educational success of pupils from minority backgrounds: ethnic, linguistic, religious, regional, etc., the assessment of success and failure regarding these points and the internal and external factors that influence it, and selected innovative and successful projects or case-studies that have proved successful at school, local, regional or national level. |
Sujet(s) : | , curriculum, décrochage scolaire, éducation à la citoyenneté, éducation inclusive, éducation spécialisée, harcelement entre pairs, inclusion sociale, besoins éducatifs particuliers, bonnes pratiques, éducation interculturelle, égalité des chances, enseignant, enseignement primaire, enseignement secondaire, handicap, immigrant, violence, zone d'éducation prioritaire |
Zone(s) géographique(s) : | France, Union européenne |
Document numérique (1)
http://ec.europa.eu/education/more-information/doc/inclusion/france_en.pdf URL |