Titre : | The EU as a norm entrepreneur : the case of lifelong learning |
Auteur(s) : | Alexander KLEIBRINK |
Type de document : | Texte |
Éditeur(s) : | Hoboken (New Jersey) : Wiley Blackwell |
Année de publication : | mars 2011 |
Description : | 15 p. disponibles sur le site : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com [pages consultées le 5 avril 2011] |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Résumé : | The EU has become one of the most prominent promoters of lifelong learning policies. Inside the European single market, EU member states have strong incentives to adopt similar approaches to lifelong learning and recognition of educational attainments in order to foster labour mobility. More surprisingly, countries neighbouring the EU also develop costly and radical reforms of their lifelong learning policies similar to those of EU member states. They do this despite the uncertain outcome of these policies on their specific labour markets and even though they are not likely to benefit from the potential gains of labour mobility. This article conceptualises the underpinning mechanisms that led to these similar approaches to lifelong learning. The European Commission has created a specific script for lifelong learning that became an accepted norm inside the EU and was then diffused to neighbouring countries. Policy change according to this norm may be driven by competitive pressure, coercion, the pursuit of legitimacy or learning. While the EU seeks to diffuse its norm to neighbouring countries, these efforts initiated quite different processes in recipient countries. An illustration from neighbouring countries highlights two of these mechanisms.[résumé éditeur] |
Sujet(s) : | , CEC : cadre européen des certifications pour l'éducation et la formation, EFTLV : éducation et formation tout au long de la vie, internationalisation, processus de Copenhague, Europe, formation tout au long de la vie, marché du travail, mobilité professionnelle, norme, politique en matière d'éducation, Processus de Bologne |
Zone(s) géographique(s) : | Union européenne |
Document numérique (1)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1465-3435.2010.01461.x/pdf URL |